Football Youth (2023)

Name: Football Youth (2023)
Original name: 踢球吧少年 踢球吧,少年 Ti Qiu Ba Shao Nian Ti Qiu Ba Shao Nian Kick a Ball Бей по мячу
Release year: 2023
Status: Upcoming
Country: Chinese
Genre: Comedy,School,Sports
Jia Ming Hai entered Fenghua Middle School as a school football coach through false resume. Because of that, he starts to led a group of problematic students to participate in high school football competitions, and gradually achieved some results. However, as the team improved, Jia Ming Hai was suddenly dismissed by the school. For a while, the life and death of the team are uncertain, how can they meet the new challenges in the face of the upcoming knockout round? Can the dream of champions, which is deeply hidden in everyone's hearts, still come true?
(Source: Chinese = Douban)