Once Upon a Crime (2023)

Name: Once Upon a Crime (2023)
Original name: ずきん、旅の途中で死体と出会う。 赤ずきん、旅の途中で死体と出会う。 Akazukin Tabi no Tochuu de Shitai to Deau. Akazukin Tabi no Tochu de Shitai to Deau. Little Red Riding Hood Meets a Corpse on Her Journey
Release year: 2023
Status: Completed
Country: Japanese
Genre: Comedy,Fantasy,Investigation,Mystery,Novel
After accidentally killing a man with their pumpkin carriage en route to a ball, Red and Cinderella decide on concealing the body. Once safely arrived at their destination, Cinderella falls head over heals for the Prince – but now is no time for romance, as the two find themselves in a bit of a pinch when the ball is interrupted by the discovery of the corpse!
(Source: Drama-Otaku)
Adapted from the novel Akazukin, Tabi no Tochu de Shitai to Deau. (赤ずきん、旅の途中で死体と出会う。) by Aoyagi Aito (青柳碧人).
List Episode
Once Upon a Crime (2023) Episode 1
2023-09-14 02:29:17